
EFK UNGs Bidragsspår is a youth organization that cooperates with EFK (Interact Sweden). We have been around since 2008 and base our work on a Christian foundation. Groups and activities within EFK that 
want tohave the capacity to
 and are served by getting organized in a form that allows them to receive government grants, may be connected to EFK UNGs Bidragsspår. This gives resources to develop and improve local initiatives together with and for children and young people. We are proud that EFK UNGs Bidragsspår takes part in making qualitative and well visited projects and events happen all around Sweden.

This website is here for you to find out more about what Bidragsspåret does, and how your group can connect with us. Although this is a Swedish organization and our forms and most of our information is in Swedish, we are aware that there are international groups in EFK that might want information in English. If you find the information on this English page insufficient, you are most welcome to give the office a call, or send an email to our administrator. We will do our best to help you! 

In order to connect your group to EFK UNGs Bidragsspår you need to: Have an association with its own Board, own Annual Meeting and own Statutes. 60% of the association’s members have to be between the age of 6-25 years, and everybody has to be welcome to become a member. You also need to send in the application form ( 
ansökan) and a copy of the statutes (stadgar). You can read our template for valid statutes in Swedish if you 
click here

Once your association has become a member: The members of the association need to confirm their membership every year. Certain information is required to be included in the membership list. You can find a template with the relevant information by 
clicking here. The number of members need to be sent to us in January every year, divided up in to age categories. You are also required to send us an activity report every year. If you want to you can use our activity report template by 
clicking here

Pros As a part of Bidragsspåret your association receives a grant that may be used however is in the best interest of the members of your association. The members involved in the association’s activities are covered by an accident insurance policy. And the association or one of its members may apply for a stipend to do things outside of the group’s regular activity, and that serves to deepen the faith and understanding of discipleship. We hope this information has been useful and again welcome you to make contact with the office if you have more questions, or want to send in an application.


Email: info@bidragssparet.se 

Phone: +4670 – 109 81 97

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